Tuesday 7 January 2014

Plumeria rubra

Plumeria rubra
Plumeria acuminata
Plumeria acutifolia
Common name
Pua melia
Graveyard flower
Temple flower
Native to continental tropical America
Height: 15.00 to 25.00 feet
Spread: 15.00 to 25.00 feet
Bloom Time: Seasonal bloomer
Bloom Description: Pink to red
Sun: Full sun
Water: Dry to medium
Tolerate: Drought
Plumeria rubra is a tree that grows in a “candelabrum” shape typical of Plumerias with a single trunk and multiple branches of a similar length that support an open spreading canopy.
This species grows from 0.9-5 meters tall.
Plumeria trees are partially deciduous therefore lose all of their leaves during long, dry periods. The leaves of Plumeria rubra are 10-42 cm long and 4-14 cm wide with the widest point at the center or tip of the leaf blade. In this species the tip of the leaves narrow to a sharp point in contrast to leaves of the other common species, Plumeria obtusa, which has more rounded leaf tips.
In Hawai`i, Plumeria rubra produces flowers before the leaves emerge at the beginning of summer and has a flowering peak from April through to September. The original trees introduced to Hawai`i had white flowers with yellow centers, however subsequently trees with red flowers have also been introduced. Breeding programs have crossed trees with different colored flowers to produce a wide range of color varieties of this species: red, pink, or white flowers can be seen with flowers frequently either a single color or with a yellow or pink splash of color in the center. The flowers produce nectar which has a strong lemon scent. The fruit of this species is a dry follicle which splits along one side to release many winged seeds.

A popular ornamental, particularly in tropical climates---often planted as a street tree. Plumeria is also a popular plant for container culture in colder areas.

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