Tuesday 7 January 2014

Brownea coccinea

Brownea coccinea
 Brownea capitella, Brownea latifolia
Common name
 Brownea, Scarlet Flame Bean
South America
In open forests on sandy, well drained soils.
Near Garden’s South or Roseau gate; reported in that location in the 1924 Official Guide; beautiful, slow-growing, short, spreading trees, 6-9 m tall (20-30 ft); leaves pinnately compound, leaflets up to 15 cm long (6 in) and up to 6 cm wide (2.3 in), up to 6 pairs, with sometimes one terminal leaflet, pink-brown and pendulous when young; flowers borne in large, bright, orange-red clusters, hanging mostly beneath
foliage primarily on older branches, which distinguishes it from other Browneas; fruit a woody pod about 15 cm long (6 in) and 5 cm broad (2 in)
Stipules present, leaf-like, dropped. Leaves alternate, paripinnate (even) compound, leaflets with gland at the base of midrib beneath. Young leaves in pendent, linear, stipular or bracteate sheath buds up to 20 cm long. Inflorescences short, compact, nodding, densely red flowered.

Grown as an ornamental.

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